Windy Day – in oils, 3′ x 4′ canvas

What have I been up to?  Well!  I’ve reorganized my little art working space to accommodate larger canvases – hooray!  I’ve also started working on a large 3′ x 4′ painting in oils for my Windy Day series.  I love a good windy day.

So here’s my new large canvas Windy Day painting, in progress.  Boy do oil paints ever take longer to dry than acrylics!!  Which gives me lots of fantastic thinking-time I suppose 🙂


June 2015 Project - incomplete

June 2015 Project – incomplete


New studio space for larger canvases

New studio space for larger canvases


Stolen By The Wind

It was a windy day, and a foggy day, and a rainy day. I was standing at the end of the pier, one of my favourite downtown places in Victoria BC. The ocean swallows all of the downtown sounds. It sounds like the ocean, and it smells like wood docks, and it feels like standing on the ocean. I love windy days, and I love foggy days and I love rainy days. In Victoria we are very fond of golf umbrellas for everyday use. Did this one escape from its owner, in the way that umbrellas like to escape in a gust of wind? It was floating along in the harbour. It was exactly the colour of blue that I would expect a golf umbrella to be. An umbrella mystery on the ocean.

Acrylic on canvas


Nothing for Miles

Given the choice between flying or driving, I choose to drive. Moving through spaces, sometimes constantly changing and other times seeming to go on, exactly the same, for an eternity. I like coming across things that I didn’t know were there.

36″ x 24″ oil on canvas
