
Peonies are beautiful flowers. They hold their heavy heads up with graceful ease. If you pick a peony, it can be kept in water, floating in a bowl. They look wonderful with summer light coming in the kitchen window.


Arbutus Trees

This is my 2nd attempt at plein air painting. The most important thing I need to remember about painting outdoors is how the heck to transport a wet painting back to my vehicle afterward. I’ve found that if I hike 30 minutes up a mountain, for example, it is hard to hike back down again carrying a wet painting.



On the west coast of Vancouver Island, hidden in the middle of the forest is Long Beach, which is always foggy on August mornings. This flat sandy beach has oodles of cute little sandpipers that kids and dogs love to chase up into the air. They go off in a flock into the fog to settle farther along the beach. Skittish little things, you can sneak up on them to an extent, but they will hurry away on their twig like legs, like mini little speed walkers.


Windy Day


Driving down the Pat Bay highway one autumn in the early evening, I just had to pull over and take a bunch of pictures of the colours at the lake. The sun was at an angle creating great lit up spots, and shadowy places. It was windy and leaves were flinging past me, lit up by the sun. I used the colours from my pictures in this painting. When I look at this painting, I remember that blustery and beautiful day.